Finding Jesus brought me back to fulfilling my childhood dream of being able to help those who need financial help. Right now, my goal is to be able to establish and market make + thrive (my Etsy store) so that I can give back even more. I’m currently trying to raise money for:
Mrs. Bel (Trisha Sales)
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Bible Project // Desiring God // Ember Writes by Heather Shahan // Everyday a New Page by Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio // Inspire Within // Joseph Bonifacio // Justine Anne // Kris Vallotton // Lana Vawser // Rowena Cross // Thoughts for Christ by MB // More?
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Psalm 52:8
I am like an olive tree flourishing in the House of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.
MRS. BEL - Copyright © 2009 - 2023 Trisha Sales All rights reserved.
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