Category: Life + Style
Now I know what it feels like to be goddamn Pete Wentz
I have been reading Pete Wentz‘s recently released book, Gray. I pre-ordered it off Kindle and I have always been so excited about it ever since I found out that Pete was writing a book. It was what I had been waiting from him ever […]
안녕하세요! ^_^
Yes, I know I have been away from this blog for so long. I am actually a bit embarrassed about it, but oh well. I don’t think I’ve had regular readers who come by my blog ever since I put up a hiatus in 2007. […]
Italy, India, Indonesia—A Voyage of Self-Discovery
When I bought a copy of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love I didn’t know it was a non-fiction book. I came to the bookstore that day not really having any book to purchase in mind and I saw this book with Julia Roberts on the cover […]
Work from Home
Just last week I got the case of the common cold after spending some time walking in the heat. Mind you, I didn’t really spend time walking under the sun but the heat and humidity was unbearable that even though I took a covered path […]
What I’ve realized after winning NaNoWriMo 2011
I first joined NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) during the year 2007 after my friend Heather suggested that I should join and start writing a novel. I had no idea what I signed up for at first. What I did know was that the goal […]