Tag: trishasales
You Are Not Alone
Not until a couple of months ago I was agnostic, and this isn’t something I usually say out loud. A lot of things just didn’t make sense to me and a huge part of my disbelief came from seeing other people who know their Bible […]
NO FILTER: An original play by Millennials about Millennials
Every generation tries to rebel against the rules somehow. While the play’s tagline on the program says An original play by Millennials for Millennials about Millennials, I felt the need to omit the exclusivity of the phrase “for Millennials” because this play surely isn’t just for the […]
Not Gone
Today marks my grandmother’s 71st birthday and I still miss her every now and then. She passed when I was twelve. Sometimes I’d wonder how life would have been like if she had lived longer—would we be sharing the same room until now? Would she […]
Book Review: “…Then What?” by Kella Roberts
“…Then What?”: 350+ Random First Lines, (already thought up so you don’t have to) by Kella Roberts Available on Amazon How often have you thought of The Greatest Idea Ever, only to find defeat inside a blank page? That dreaded first line stymies every author […]
Book Review: The ABCs of Hand Lettering by Abbey Sy
Hand lettering and calligraphy seems to be all the rage these days among art enthusiasts and aspiring artists like me, most especially among the network of people that I follow on Instagram.