After less than two days, I have come up with this new design for I got tired of my old dark background layout so I made this new one fresh and light. I hope you like it! 🙂
While the layout is new, I will still be working on the backend (mainly the CMS for the blog and updates), so some of the pages are still under construction and static. I would probably use jQuery to make a drop down menu for the navigation. Once I get things worked out, I will either make my podcasts public to everyone or set up a sign up form for people who’d like to listen.
I also added a new section to the site where I could feature links, charities, online shops, photos, books, etc. so I could introduce people to all the amazing stuff out there. It’s not an ad. I won’t get paid for promoting them. I just figured it could be a great way to let people know how they can help charities or fundraisers and at the same time introduce and help the people I think worthy to be recognized.
I know the site doesn’t contain much yet but I have big plans for this domain of mine. 😀
PS: I haven’t made a comment box for the entries yet but you can leave your comments or message on my contact page. Feel free to use that to contact me. 🙂